Boca Raton, Florida Lawyer ,Jay Steven Levine , Lawyer Guide

Jay Steven Levine - Boca Raton, Florida


Jay Steven Levine is the founder and Sole Shareholder of the Jay Steven Levine Law Group. Jay Steven Levine Law Group is doing enterprise under Jay Steven Levine, P.A., which become based in 1978.

Mr. Levine counsels network associations on all subjects inclusive of storm matters, inclusive of, but now not restrained to, casualty and coverage troubles, statutory and record interpretations, recommending publications of motion, and reviewing coverage necessities and rules.

In addition, Mr. Levine is skilled in pursing insurance claims against coverage carriers. He has massive litigation experience including within the areas of collections, foreclosures, rule and covenant enforcement and contract disputes.


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      Accepted Jurisdictions

      Florida Jurdictions
      Since 1976


      • Lawyer
        Jay Steven Levine Law Group


      University of Miami School of Law Education School Logo
      University of Miami School of Law
      Graduation year:
      State University of New York - Albany Education School Logo
      State University of New York - Albany
      B.A. | Economics
      Graduation year:

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